Residential TSCM Services
Need Residential TSCM Services for Your Home? Call ComSec LLC at 1-800-615-0392 for USA Nationwide Services!
About Our Residential TSCM Services
Our Residential TSCM Services detect your exposures, identify vulnerabilities and help you regain your privacy and peace of mind. First, we perform a sweep of your home and address network security. Second, you can include checking your cellphones, computers, tablets and other electronic devices for spyware / malware programs. Third, you can also include checking vehicles for GPS trackers, other trackers and electronic eavesdropping bugs. Fourth, we include detection of electronic eavesdropping threats and vulnerabilities that can compromise your home privacy. So, our residential TSCM services are a comprehensive solution.
Service pricing is based on your location, size of the home, and the number of devices and vehicles to be examined.
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What Our Residential TSCM Services Address
Our residential TSCM Services detect audio, optical and video electronic eavesdropping devices that are active or passive. More specifically, we detect traditional eavesdropping bugs (wiretaps, DVR cameras, etc.), hybrid and cyber TSCM eavesdropping bugs. For instance, Cyber TSCM bugging devices use a network like wi-fi, cellular, or bluetooth to forward your sensitive information to an eavesdropper. And, vulnerabilities with wi-fi, bluetooth, and cellular networks that can be exploited for eavesdropping purposes are also detected. Our residential TSCM services address: 1) purpose built bugs, 2) surreptitious networks and bugs, and 3) devices that are not designed and intended as bugs that can be used in this manner. So, our Home TSCM Services address the complex eavesdropping detection threat and vulnerability landscape of our “connected” world.
As well, our skilled Specialists use the most advanced TSCM equipment and software available to perform your residential TSCM Service. Likewise, our team and our equipment set us apart from other home TSCM service providers. In conclusion, we detect a full range of spy bugs from the inexpensive, low tech bugs to the very modern, complex bugs.
Read client testimonials to learn more about the level of service excellence we provide. ComSec LLC is a top rated Residential TSCM Service company.
View our Residential Services Brochure.
Our Residential TSCM Services I
- Technical threat assessment
- Physical and electronic TSCM / Cyber TSCM sweep of your home
- Audio and video electronic eavesdropping device detection & location
- Wi-Fi security analysis, and detection of surreptitious Wi-Fi networks, access points and bugs
- Surreptitious Bluetooth devices detection and location
- Surreptitious cellular networks (illicit IMSI catchers), hidden cell phones, cellular bugs
- PEDs used for electronic eavesdropping and/or tracking devices (e.g. AirTags, Tiles, Airpods, etc.)
- Spyware / malware detection for cell phones, computers, tablets, laptops, etc. (# quoted)
- GPS tracker, other tracking devices and electronic eavesdropping device detection for vehicles (# quoted)
- Locating electronic eavesdropping devices in your home
- Verbal debrief on site
- Recommendations to improve technical security posture at home
- Electronic survey report with educational information to help protect privacy going forward.
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More About Our Services
Cell Phones, Tablets, Laptops & Computers
You specify the number of devices you would like included in residential TSCM services. These devices are checked for spyware / malware programs which often contain key loggers that steal your passwords, login details, and other keyed in information. And, can also allow the eavesdropper to access the device’s camera and/or microphone. Spies can also get access to GPS coordinates, emails and voice mails, using malware programs on your devices.
If the device does have malware or spyware, we can tell you when and how the spyware or malware was put on your device. But, we do not remove spyware or malware. Why? Because restoring privacy requires more than just removing the spyware / malware program.
Vehicle Sweeps
Do you suspect someone is tracking your vehicle? GPS trackers are easy to install. And, they are also low cost, and can even be rented. GPS trackers may be visible, or they may be well hidden. PED’s such as AirTags, Tiles, etc. can also be used to track a vehicle. And, spy bugs in vehicles can also compromise your privacy.
Tracked vehicles provide lots of info for spies. They can tell a spy when you are at home, away from home, where you are, where you are headed, etc. Even your schedule, favorite places and covert meetings become known.
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Why Choose ComSec LLC’s Residential TSCM Services
- Our primary business is TSCM / Bug Sweeps (TSCM Services, Professional Equipment & Training Services)
- Our Specialists are well trained, skilled and experienced.
- We use the most advanced bug detection equipment available.
- Our home bug sweeps include Cyber TSCM threats too.
- We constantly study the changes in spying bugs and technologies, and implement changes to address changes.
- We use proprietary processes and methodologies that give our clients a technological advantage.
- Ultimately, these key attributes result in a sweep service level that made us a leader in the industry.
About Our Home TSCM Service Clients
ComSec LLC provides residential TSCM Services for homes of all sizes, from 30,000+ sq. ft. homes to executive apartments. Since 2007, we have been serving high net worth individuals, celebrities, politicians, dignitaries, high profile individuals and executives.
Read client testimonials to learn more about the level of residential service excellence ComSec LLC provides.
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