TSCM | Technical Surveillance Countermeasures

ComSec, LLC, Risk Management, Virginia Beach, VA

What is TSCM

TSCM | Technical Surveillance CountermeasuresTSCM or technical surveillance countermeasures involves detecting, locating and nullifying covert bugging devices that are used to gain unauthorized access to privileged information. A modernized version of  TSCM also includes Cyber TSCM, which detects electronic surveillance via networks, network connected devices and vulnerabilities in these networks (e.g. wi-fi, BlueTooth, cellular, etc.) And, yet another aspect of TSCM is detection of hybrid technical surveillance devices. 

TSCM is often referred to as counter surveillance or electronic eavesdropping detection. And, frequently TSCM is performed in reaction to a real or perceived threat or exposure. However, diligent agencies, organizations and companies perform TSCM as a preventive measure as well. Ultimately, TSCM is best implemented as a part of a on-going risk mitigation strategy to address electronic surveillance threats, risks of exposure, and risk reductions activities necessary to protect of valuable information. 

What is Technical Surveillance

Technical surveillance is accomplished by using bugging devices, networks, technologies and/or exploits to collect information from a target(s) in an unauthorized manner. Typically, the information captured is in audio and/or video format. Information targeted for technical surveillance collection typically has mTSCM | Technical Surveillance Countermeasures | Bugging Deviceonetary value, national or strategic value, may provide leverage, and/or cause harm. 

Technical Surveillance Devices & Threats

Technical surveillance devices include those that were specifically designed and intended for capturing information by surreptitious means, such as GSM bugs, store forward burst devices, smoke alarms hidden cameras, etc. As well, technical surveillance devices also include items that were not specifically designed for surreptitious purposes, but can be used for surreptitious purposes (e.g. AirTags, AirPods). 

Technical surveillance threats include vulnerabilities in networks, electronics, systems, etc. that can be used for surreptitious purposes. Sometimes, vulnerabilities are detected by manufacturers who find a “bug” in the device or software program, and issue an update to address this “bug”. Other times, technical surveillance vulnerabilities are identified by TSCM practitioners who study changes in bugging devices, exploits, networks. etc. to ensure their equipment, methodologies and skill sets are current and effective.

Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Sweep

TSCM - Technical Surveillance Countermeasures A TSCM sweep is a highly specialized technical service performed by a skilled Specialist(s) using a variety of TSCM equipment. The TSCM sweep detects technical surveillance threats, and includes a physical inspection, electronic inspection and network inspection.

The TSCM physical inspection identifies physical damage, signs of tampering, the visual presence of covert devices and other visual clues of technical surveillance. 

The electronic inspection is performed with a variety of signal analysis equipment that detects the frequency of active or transmitting devices and threats. Devices that are in a passive state (turned off, in standby mode, etc.) are also detected with equipment that causes passive devices to become active or equipment that can detect electronic components, such as an NLJD.

The network inspection includes WiFi, Bluetooth and cellular networks, IoT devices, illicit IMSI catchers, etc. Personal electronics that were not meant for surreptitious purposes, such as AirPods and AirTags, but which can used for surreptitious purposes, are also included in the network inspection.



What Are Countermeasures

Countermeasures are measures, devices, technologies or strategies that are put in place to preclude the success of technical surveillance attacks. Often, needed countermeasures are identified during a TSCM inspection. As well, identification of countermeasures can result from identification of known risks such as industry specific, geographical, or other dynamic known to introduce or elevate certain risks.

Risk Mitigation Strategy

TSCM is a counter intelligence discipline that addresses technical surveillance as an ever evolving threat landscape. It requires continual examination of emerging threats, developing the needed detection capabilities and implementing appropriate countermeasures. TSCM is not static, but dynamic and continually changing. Risk reduction strategies include TSCM as a means of reducing theft or loss due to nation state sponsored, critical infrastructure, economic espionage, industrial espionage and/or insider threat based electronic eavesdropping attacks. Risks to critical infrastructure, protected information, intellectual property, trade secret, proprietary information and competition sensitive information must be addressed. And, TSCM, when complimented by Cyber TSCM, addresses a full range of technical surveillance threats needed for an effective risk reduction strategy. 

ComSec LLC Offers TSCM Programs to Implement as Part of a TSCM Risk Mitigation Strategy:

Learn More About The Assurance Option.

Learn More About The Umbrella Option.



About ComSec LLC

Technical Surveillance Countermeasures TSCM

We are a leading provider of TSCM Services in the USA, and globally. Our customers include government, military, corporations, non-profits, dignitaries, celebrities, executives, HNWIs, and other high risk individuals. We serve Fortune 100 businesses to small businesses. And, our residential clients include business owners, executives and others who believe their privacy has been compromised.

ComSec LLC uses proprietary detection methodologies, skilled TSCM Specialists and a variety of advanced detection equipment. We also update our methodologies and technical equipment to ensure we are able to detect electronic eavesdropping devices and threats from the low tech, inexpensive to the most advanced. Above all, ComSec is renowned for our electronic eavesdropping device detection capability and our goal of restoring privacy.

Learn About Our TSCM Specialists & Equipment

Separating Truth From Fiction

Does eavesdropping require large or complex bugging devices?

No, it does not. Bugging devices have evolved. They are now small, and most are very easy to use. ComSec’s TSCM specialists detect large and small bugging devices. A ComSec TSCM service will also detect simple to complex bugging devices.

Are listening devices only used by government agencies?

Government agencies do use listening devices. But, competitors, executives, spouses and other everyday people also use them. Our TSCM Specialists detect a wide range of listening devices.

Do listening devices cost thousands of dollars?

No, not all bugging devices are costly. The cost ranges from very expensive to just ten dollars. Many police grade bugs and taps are available to the public at very low prices. A professional TSCM service can detect the expensive and low cost devices.

Know Your Adversary

Who is Targeting Your Business or Home?

The truth is, eavesdroppers come from many walks of life. For example, an eavesdropper may be a competitor, an employee or a business colleague. Also, a company or executive residence may be targeted by a foreign national or foreign government. A reporter, private investigator or extortionist may target a hi profile individual. And, a spouse, ex-spouse or romantic interest may seek personal information. A neighbor may also target a private individual.

More specifically, eavesdroppers may be motivated by money, legal issues, emotions, fame, etc. But, they all want one thing – your valuable information!

Business Eavesdropping Targets

Unfortunately, businesses may be targeted for trade secret, confidential or sensitive information. For instance, competitors may want advanced knowledge of your sales strategy or contract negotiations. Likewise, a foreign national or nation may want to steal product or process information that will allow them to replicate it abroad. And, an activist group or a disgruntled employee may want to collect damaging information. Ultimately, a ComSec business bug sweep will help stop leaks of your trade secret and proprietary information. Click here for our corporate TSCM services page.

Residential Eavesdropping Targets

If you are an executive, your home or corporate apartment could be targeted for corporate information. Likewise, a former spouse or current romantic interest may target your home for personal information. Even politicians, celebrities and hi profile individuals may be targeted by tabloids, news reporters or profiteers. Why? Simply because private and damaging information is freely discussed in your home. In the final analysis, this is why a professional home bug sweep is important. Click here for residential TSCM services page.

So, contact ComSec via our secure contact form or call us today at  1-800-615-0392 for a quote for services!